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I'm sorry mum

I'm sorry mum, I was easily influenced
I don't know how I was convinced
I shouted and screamed at you 
but I didn't want, never ever to hurt you
I was totally out of my mind
so thanks mum for being so kind
because even if I used to take drugs
you still receive me with your warm hugs
I'm sorry mum I wasn't mature 
I couldn't help it, I couldn't stand its lure 
I'm sorry because I didn't listen to your advice 
so that, I was trapped like mice
I was a victim of bad friends
I wasn't really in the right hands
even them were a victim
they were a victim of the victim's victim
I thought drug brings happiness
but it brings nothing but a total sickness
It made me rude and bad
and a short lack of it blows my head
I'm sorry mum, I'm deadly sorry
your kid is back now so don't worry
I'll be with you forever
'n I won't go through this disaster ever. 

Oussama Ben Saidi 1S8 * Sousse Pioneer School * April 2011 *

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