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14 January

The cursed number in Tunisia is twenty three
We have struggled to become free
The previous president took us to hell
No one could really tell
That it was the alarm-bell
The colour that covered the street is red
Because we're really sad and mad.
We want Ben Ali's head
After this terrorism we said no
We will never ever take a bow
To the end of the path we will go
Protests, rebels, furors and fights
Gave us back our freedom and rights
Safe-guards were helpful during nights
Very high we aimed
Tunisian people can't be tamed
Gangs, traitors and bullets won't freak us
All these hardships we will pass!
After Leila and the wolf, every Tunisian will have a car
and drive sooooooooo far!!!!

Amal Gheni 1S8 * Sousse Pioneer School * TUNISIA * January 2011

1 comment:

  1. to the end of the path of democracy and prosperity I hope we will safely go
