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Dear Country (Part I)

Dear country, I’m talking to you
Cuz I  know you have the dignity
When your ‘owners’ don’t …
I’m talking to you
So let’s beg for mercy
Cuz your owners won’t …

Let’s face the bullets
Let’s call your Name
Maybe the word of ‘freedom’
Won’t be said in vain

I can hear you screaming
I can feel the venom in your vein
I can see  you burning
I can see them tearing the tissue of your skin

Dear country
Give me your bleeding hand 
And step ahead
Together we will embrace the will
That we push ourselves forward

Dear country
I will give you a place to breathe
In my arms
I’ll hold you to breathe
In my heart
I’ll carry you so that you can breathe

I will cover you in my blood
I will cover you with my soul
Forever and never
Cuz I just wanna see you grow

As a shining flower between the burning rocks
Just, follow your inner course
Freedom is your inner right
And without it we can't survive
But we will resist, we will fight

Monsters of the darkness
Lords of the rings
Show us some fairness
Give up your rings

Cuz rings means Justice
It means JUSTICE
So please give up your rings

Arwa Rekik * January 2011 * 4 Maths 2 * 

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