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14 January

The cursed number in Tunisia is twenty three
We have struggled to become free
The previous president took us to hell
No one could really tell
That it was the alarm-bell
The colour that covered the street is red
Because we're really sad and mad.
We want Ben Ali's head
After this terrorism we said no
We will never ever take a bow
To the end of the path we will go
Protests, rebels, furors and fights
Gave us back our freedom and rights
Safe-guards were helpful during nights
Very high we aimed
Tunisian people can't be tamed
Gangs, traitors and bullets won't freak us
All these hardships we will pass!
After Leila and the wolf, every Tunisian will have a car
and drive sooooooooo far!!!!

Amal Gheni 1S8 * Sousse Pioneer School * TUNISIA * January 2011


A project work about the importance of education 
Preapared by Yassmine Ben Salem 4 sc 3 * Sousse Pioneer School, Tunisia * 2010-2011 * 


Waad Kahouli * 4 sc 3 * 2010-2011 * Sousse Pioneer School, Tunisia

Waad Kahouli * 4 sc 3 * 2010-2011 * Sousse Pioneer School, Tunisia

Waad Kahouli * 4 sc 3 * 2010-2011 * Sousse Pioneer School, Tunisia

Waad Kahouli * 4 sc 3 * 2010-2011 * Sousse Pioneer School, Tunisia

A letter from an Innocent Kid

A letter from an innocent kid

           The light has gone out of my life and there is darkness everywhere. I ‘m sad, depressed, afraid and lonely. I haven’t got parents brothers or sisters. I really miss my beloved mother. I wish she was here now. But she is no more. The war killed her; the war killed all of them. I’m a poor, homeless orphan. I’m suffering from hunger and disease. People say that suffering is my destiny. I don’t think so. I strongly believe that I should make my destiny by myself and God will give me the power I need. He will help me because I’m an innocent kid, I’m a good boy. I love God; I love our beloved prophet Muhammad; I love my nation; I love all the people all over the world. Who am I? Can you guess? Well, it is so easy to answer this question. I’m a kid; an innocent kid as I said. Where are you from I can hear you ask? I can be from Palestine where the Jews are destroying our houses and polluting our territory with their dirty feet; or from Africa where wars and famine are killing us. In all the cases I’m not going to give up because the prophet Muhammad is my teacher; Saladin is my ancestor; Nelson Mandela is my idol and the lord of the universe is supporting me. So I’m not weak. I’m stronger than stones. I am a hero. I Just wish that people learn that  even if we are different in race, color, language and religion, we can live together in peace. And only when they learn that will I see the light again and will the sun shine.

Oussama Belkacem 1S 11 * Sousse Pioneer School, Tunisia * 2010-2011                                                                                                                                                                                   


To the Anonymous

To the Anonymous

For you I live
For you I am ready to die
When I see your face I fly
When I see your eyes I cry
When I touch your hands
I become a slave
Even though I feel safe
You are my desire
With you I can catch fire
You live inside me
You are behind me
You are my enemy
You are my heaven
You are a sheep
You are a dragon
You are a great soul
You are a deep hole
You are my wings
You are my prison
Why am I close to you? Give me a reason
I look for you and I find
That you are my criminal mind
You are the innocent kid in my heart
You help me when I get hurt
You may say I’m crazy
I guess you’re right
But I am also a soldier
And I have a battle to fight
Who am I?
Who are you?
What are we planning to do?
I’m sorry I cannot answer you
What I really knew,
Is that I’m writing for you
I’m writing about you
I’m writing with you
You are me
And I am you
You hate me
I hate you
You love me
And I love you
This time I write about you
 Next time I’ll kill you
Just remember that I am doing that for you
Because you are me
And I am you

Oussama Belkacem 1S 11 * Sousse Pioneer School, Tunisia * 2010-2011

A Question mark “?”

A Question mark “?”

     When you find yourself alone and when you feel that your spirit is dirty, buy a ticket to a new world. A new world where the trees are pink, the mountains are white and the sky is clean. A world where there is no place for wolves, beasts or monsters; just sheep, small rabbits and white pigeons. When you arrive, jump and then fly. Fly like an angel going to paradise, like a free bird, like an innocent ghost. Don’t think about anything just think about nothing. Somewhere on the clouds, near the sun you will find a big mirror. Look at yourself. You will see a smiling face that you have never seen.  You will feel that you’re happy and you will forget about daily routines, about your son who is always complaining, about your wife who is always nagging at you. Suddenly, when you wake up, you will realize that the journey is over; the dream is over .You are now in a nightmare. Welcome to the real world. A world where wars and famine are killing an innocent kid, a weak woman and an ill old man every second. A world where if you want to survive get rich or die trying.  A world where the wealthy are lords and the poor are slaves.
Which is more bitter, the real world or the imaginary world?  A Question mark.   
Oussama Belkacem 1S 11 * Sousse Pioneer School, Tunisia * 2010-2011                                                                                                                                                                                   



School is cool :)
School rears and raises.
It gives us the main basis.
Poems, books and cases
are the student's tools
Girls and boys go to schools
even if it's full of "fools".
In class, you debate and talk
and teachers write with chalk.
Schools make a keen teen
smarter than you've ever seen.

* Amal Ghenim 1S8 * Sousse Pioneer School, Tunisia * 2010-2011 *

My Grand-mother

My Grand-mother

Grandma remains the best.
She's really a source of jest.
Travel with her to the west, 
and you will forget about the rest, 
because she is that light guest.

She is always in a good mood,
She attracts every single neighbourhood,
with her savoury food.
I wish she'll stay solid as the wood.

* Amal Ghenim 1S8 * Sousse Pioneer School, Tunisia * 2010-2011*

Famous Joe